Vrouw in wit hemd voor een blauwe lucht met een regenboog


Biophoton light device for professionals

person sitting behind Photon Wave rainbowlight stimulator

A must-have for every health professional

Sustainable results

PhotonWave helps heal the cause

Saves time

A treatment takes 10 to 18 minutes

Helping more people

Positive results spread the word

Non-invasive treatment

The only thing you will notice is change itself

Online learning platform

To get started and integrate the PhotonWave into your practice

Online community

To ask questions and help each other

Specifics of the Photon Wave


High quality glass filters

Pure narrowband filters from 10 nm bandwidth


Light frequency

Pulsing between 1 - 35 Hz


130 pre-programmed protocols

...and the possibility to create your own combinations (999)


Automatic power selection

Compatible from 100 - 240 Volt



Safety guaranteed


Easy to use

Computerized control panel


Quality materials and construction

For durability


Complementary accessories

For use in different therapies


Patent pending

Made in Belgium

Leona Vermeire in front of the Photon Wave Rainbow light stimulator

We make life "light" again

We worked for over 35 years to promote light for life. We truly believe that working with light is the answer to a lot of health-problems. We see changes in people's lives on a daily basis. 

Our mission is to keep spreading the word and helping people move towards a lighter life.

The PhotonWave treatment changes the way we look at disease. The PhotonWave is an answer to help people toward better health, resilience, endurance and breaking through blockages.

We help professionals get quicker, better and  more sustainable results. In this way a "lighter" life is within reach for people who think the only way to more vibrant health is through medication or simply accepting their pain.

How biophoton therapy works

The light stimulation of the PhotonWave helps relax the optic nerve and opens it up to receive light into the brain.

It also helps to re-balance the hormones and nervous system thus giving new messages to the body.

There are no side-effects, because the body recognizes the healthy frequencies and integrates what it needs.

The only thing noticeable is the change itself. 

For various specialties

Specialties which benefit from the PhotonWave colour light stimulation are: 

  • regular medicine
  • behavioral optometry
  • kinesiology
  • psychology
  • osteopathy
  • chiropractic
  • dentistry
  • chakra healing
  • and so on

The PhotonWave stimulates or sedates whichever is necessary. After surgery or trauma we seek balance. When facing exhaustion we need to clear out the system. When depressed we seek stimulation.

You choose and use the light in a way which suits your specialty.

We help you to integrate the PhotonWave into your daily practice by training you in our online learning platform.

Rainbow waterfall Lyn Ong Pexels

For various symptoms

When do you choose PhotonWave light stimulation?

  • to detoxify the body from heavy metals, viruses, bacteria and fungi
  • after anesthesia or chemo-therapy
  • to strengthen those with allergies and food intolerances, reducing symptoms and sometimes eliminating them completely
  • after mental or physical shock and trauma
  • to balance hormones
  • to help learning disabilities, such as ADD and ADHD
  • to help reduce the symptoms of Autism
  • to protect against electro-smog damage
  • works on the root-causes of depression
  • for coping with S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder)
  • for coping with and overcoming addictions (smoking, over-eating, alcohol etc.)
  • to relax the nervous system
  • to stop over-thinking and worrying
  • to help with anxiety and stress related issues
  • to help with brain-fog and improve focus
  • to clear body, mind and soul
Vrouw in wit hemd voor een blauwe lucht met een regenboog

Sustainable results

The PhotonWave allows the optic nerve to relax and opens it up to receive light into the brain. It also helps to reinforce the self healing qualities of the body. 

The natural frequencies causes the endocrine - and nervous system to send out new, healthy signals. In this way the self-healing strength of the body is awakened. 

Helping clients to make the choice for light - is helping them towards a better life.

PhotonWave lightprojector al elements in place
€ 6375,00

(Excl. local VAT (Europe) or local taxes (rest of the world) & transport (75,00 - 170,00 euro))



  • User-manual
  • Control box
  • 2 * Signal enhancer
  • Spare bulb
  • 2 years warranty
  • Access to Learning pratitioners platform 
  • Protocols
  • Personal Zoominar